Collection: Sávra
The cold-blooded Sávrar were the lowliest of the Atalantes slaves, lower even than the Krokodar, performing tasks no human would deign to in their decadance. As a result the Sávrar became more numerous than the Atalantes themselves, more relied upon and valuable than many realised, for when the revolt began the humans soon understood how little they knew of how the city-states were managed. The Sávrar themselves - weak-limbed maybe, smaller than the Gorgonar but strong in number and quick-minded - were in an envious position to aid Ophios: and many did, but to his regret many amongst the Sávrar remained loyal, especially to those humans that displayed less cruelty than others. Regardless, without the Sávrar the Khthones could never have broken free of their chains, and Ophios is not one to forget the debt he owes to his smaller cousins.