Digital Overload
Rob LaneShare
Greetings, fellow Miercenaries! It is I, Penda, at the end of a long and trying week, a week in which many changes have occurred to this very website, amongst other things.
Files of a Digital Nature
So the big thing in November will be the addition of the digital versions of our miniatures to the new webstore, in unsupported STL and supported STL and LYS format.

A supported Boaab
Now, uploading every single file we've got would take ages, and while I've started doing so (and will continue to do so through the course of the next few weeks) I've decided to let you purchase the file even if it's not uploaded - so there will be a little delay while I get to your order and upload the files. As always, please be patient with us here!
So, what I'll do is give you a nice introductory discount on Monday on all our digital stuff, to get you used to the new webstore and how digital files work here. To be brief, once purchased, if the file is already uploaded you'll get an e-mail with a download link; if it's not uploaded already, when I do upload the file it will trigger another e-mail with a download link.
Then you can print to your heart's content!
The 35% discount applies now!
Before I promote the promotion on Monday, I may as well let you purchase stuff now - but bear in mind I won't be adding more files until next week as I like to rest at weekends ;o)
The 35% discount on all digital files is automagically applied if you purchase anything from the Darklands Digital collections at the top of the page.
Why here, and not MMF?
I'm sure many of you will be asking why this would be different from purchasing our files from our MyMiniFactory store. Well, there's a few differences.
First of all, I'll be increasing the prices on MMF to more than the files here, mainly to cover the cost of what MMF take from us; so the prices here will be slightly cheaper than there.
Secondly, you'll be able to purchase individual miniatures, and not just a unit. For example, if you only want one of the felljötnar, say, you only have to pay for one!
Thirdly, there's a few things that aren't on MMF yet, so you'll be able to get ahead of the game!
Videos Galore
It has always been my intention to give you lots of videos of our miniatures, but of late it's been a bit taxing trying to work out how to do them without taking up too much of my time. Well I think I've finally cracked it, and the results are becoming rather amazing. Have a look at the following...
The amazing Nidalung, Cynedēra by Rafael Lozano. He's a big 'un - look at the size of him next to Leofwen...
I've done videos for each individual cawrdraig, as well as the units!
Going forward I will be doing videos for all the new releases, of course, but what I would really like to do is get videos done for everything in the back catalogue. That will take a fair amount of my time, but I'll get started once I've done the videos for the new gunnhrafn and the Irish in November.
November (É)rainn
(you can thank Bish for that one)
So it's November al-bloody-ready, and while Ogretober hasn't really gone to plan I do have all the files for the Irish so it's just a matter of supporting them and getting the graphics done. After I've done the digital promotion on Monday, I'll get started on the graphics; it shouldn't take me too long to get that done, perhaps a day and a half. So maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday you'll see the new guys and gals in all their red handed glory!
Those lovely fiannagh marcragh in full, sculpted by Rafael Callegari
A word on that red hand: unlike the Jute Cant symbol on the shields of the Jutgar et al, the Red Hand of the Uí Néill isn't symmetrical: so flipping infantry meant I had to get the sculptor to actually do the flip properly. I do spoil you guys ;o)
A reminder of what's in November's battle host:
- Rudraige the Fat on foot and on horse
- Tlachtga on foot*
- NEW Cormac on foot
- Cormac Fir Danu
- Fiannagh with swords
- NEW Fiannagh with spears
- NEW Fiannagh cavalry
- NEW Stump Beast
By ‘NEW’ in big letters we do of course mean miniatures that were never part of a kickstarter project, although you may have seen some artwork for them at some point.
*There is also Tlachtga on root beast, of course, but she won't be part of the battle host; you'll have to purchase her separately.
That's it for today - more nonsense next week, Miercenaries!
@Nico – they’ve been pushed back to early next year mate, not exactly sure when.
Hi ! What happened to Ysians brutes that were planned for november ?
@James – you’ll need to save the e-mails mate; I know it’s a bit of a pain but you’ll only be able to download it once. It is a way to combat files being shared, you know?
@Bish – cheers!
Exciting times! So will digital purchases remain accessible via the website afterwards, or will we need to save the emails with the links? Especially in regards to files bought through the monthly subscription. Cheers!
Thanks for the update, the Erainn cavalry look fantastic. I’m excited about the STL option, lots to look forward to. Keep up the great work.