We'd rather not publish our e-mail address on the website thanks to the ongoing menace that is spam, so please use the form below. We'll try to answer your query as soon as possible!
Please enter your e-mail address and contact telephone number as well as the subject of your query. All the fields below are mandatory.
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Please ring on a normal working day at a respectable hour. We do have an answering machine but you'll generally be able to catch us in!
01623 748 929
Don't forget we're in the United Kingdom (+44) if you're from outside the country.
We are situated in the United Kingdom in the spiritual home of wargaming, Nottinghamshire, so if you feel like sending us a letter, feel free.
Mierce Miniatures Ltd
Mierce House
Carter Lane
Warsop Vale
NG20 8XF
You should send all your cheques, postal orders and so on here, of course!