Shaken Question

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Rob Boyce
Posts: 114
Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:42 pm

Shaken Question

Postby Rob Boyce » Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:51 pm

Interesting situation arose in a game tonight.

My tuanagh fled within 5" of my bog beast meaning he became shaken, which in turn - as far as I can tell - means he is unable to make any kind of engage move except attack move. He was on attack orders and was within pace distance of another enemy unit. So when activated he had to move towards that unit at full pace, but is not able to engage them. We fudged it so that he didn't get into engagement range but have I done something wrong here, or does a conflict arise in this instance?
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Rob Lane
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Re: Shaken Question

Postby Rob Lane » Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:36 am

First things first - the unit's mustered champion could have attempted to Inspire the unit to become resolute. (just a bit of tactics there)

Secondly - not being shaken is a requirement to engage; so no engagement can take place if your unit is shaken. The only exception to this is if you're already in combat, in which case you can Attack Move.

Basically, a unit can't engage whilst shaken, so does something else instead.

So I guess you did it about right!


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