My Darklands models

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Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:42 pm

My Darklands models

Postby Sandals » Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:12 pm

Hi there,

I thought I'd register on here to share some pictures of my Kickstarter models as I got them built and painted. A bit of a confession first, although I backed the Kickstarter I wasn't planning on playing the Darklands game at any point. I don't get a lot of gaming time at the moment, and I'm loving the current rules for Warhammer Fantasy so this is my gaming system of choice. However, the models being produced for this range sucked me in - who wouldn't be! :D My plan was simply to use whatever I got from this as figures in my various Warhammer armies.

I ummed and ahhed for a while during the Kickstarter, trying to decide which faction to get, but in the end it was the Khthones that appealed the most. Even though I said I would want to use them in Warhammer I had no definitive plan for them when backing, I was just looking forward to getting some brilliant figures and I would work out what I could do with them later!

The full list of what I went for is as follows:
Khthones Starter Set (Ophios, Svril, Ssibyros, & 5 Gorgonars)
Urbad & Beowa - obviously!
Aradae Mawr
and last but by no means least, Angrislaug the Dragon

Many months later (almost after I had forgotten what I picked!) it all showed up in the post - I have to say that the wait was worth it! These figures were stunning.


(I'd like to apologise about any bad photography here - I only really have my phone's camera and it's not that great!)

The first one I assembled was the one for which I had a plan when I bought it - Cearl. He was going to be the second Varghulf in my Vampire Counts army, fitting the theme as I'm also using the Mantic Werewolves as Crypt Horrors. Cearl wwent together very smoothly, and looks suitably impressive on his 50mm base. Hopefully he will see some paint over the Christmas period too.


Next up was the figure that convinced me to get the Khthones in the first place: The Gorgonar Champion. After having thought about it for a while, it occurred to me that as these guys needed to go on big bases, they could work as the new Nurgle Plague Drones from the Deamons of Chaos book. I have a Tzeentchian themed Deamon army already, and I really dislike a lot of the Nurgle figures that GW produce. Using these would let me get around that, and painting them with a mixture of yellows and greens would still give them a Nurlge feel. One 50x75mm base later, and he was done!


I had intended to get all of these assembled next, but then a few days later another package arrived that changed all of my plans...
Sandy Wilson - @sandals_ajw
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:42 pm

Re: My Darklands models

Postby Sandals » Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:29 pm


Angrislaug had arrived!

He immediately became the focus of my hobbytime. I desperately wanted to get this guy built, as he looked amazing even in pieces! I put a quick size comparison on Twitter with a GW Saurus that happened to be on my painting table:


See, huge! :D

Eventually he started to come together. The head was first, and even without the horns he looked impressive.


Took a few days, but I eventually got him mostly together. I had decided to mount him on a massive base, and mostly have him as a display piece. However, I also planned to use it as a dragon mount for a Vampire Lord in my VC army. So I didn't ruin such an amazing model by adding a permanent rider, I thought I would just add a space on the base for the Vampire to stand in front of the dragon. This could then be covered by a rock or something when on display.


Currently I've been Green-Stuffing the gaps (not that there were many of them) and fixing the claws to the wings. This was the most awkward part of building him, as the tabs seemed to be subsumed into the sprue. Eventually they went on, and with some more Green-Stuff he is finally finished with the assembly, though I've decided to paint him without the wings attached. I have no idea how I'm going to paint this model, easily the biggest and most impressive I've ever assembled - I don't want to ruin it with a poor paint job. I'll try and keep this thread updated with some WIP pictures when I can!

Sandy Wilson - @sandals_ajw

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