How to build a Dyndraig, Orlando the Technicoloured

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How to build a Dyndraig, Orlando the Technicoloured

Postby OrlandotheTech » Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:49 am

As Razormage has so brilliantly shown the Dyndraig torsos are pretty compatible with the Aradae Mawr body letting you add variety

but this leaves you with a set of dragon man legs, and a dragon ogre torso which should also fit together (more of less) so here's what I've done with mine


I found that there was a significant gap between the torso and the legs (partly due to how I'd cut, but partly because the Aradae torso is bulkier than all the Dyndraig except the champion

I used three pins to space the legs and torso and filled in the gap with greenstuff, sculpting on a 6 pack (this dragon man works out)

A greenstuff belt was added, the buckle donated by Urbad as was the hand trophy. The knife is from the bits box with a greenstuff sheath

The torso was changed up by removing the helmet nose blade are replacing it with a pair of horns, and hot water bending the large horns, I've also added a small wrist shield (buckle from Urbad) and a spike on the polearm

I'm pleasantly surprised how this came out

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