Muster Sheet Questions/Observations

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Byzantii V
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Muster Sheet Questions/Observations

Postby Byzantii V » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:39 pm

Hello all, this will be my thread to post questions or inconsistencies with the rules. First one:

On the Byzantii Muster Sheet, under the Signifer's rule "Signum: The Host's Century" it implies that a Demioption can be the general if there is a Centurion or Demiurion or Option present. I think this might be an oversight, as the Demioption has the lowest authority out of those listed, so could never be the general.

Secondly, in the Darklands Rules Musters, it says "COMPELLED Mainstay units get free unit command warriors" (emphasis mine). In the example that follows, it seems to be "COMMAND Mainstay units" that get the free upgrade, as opposed to compelled ones. Am I misunderstanding or is this a typo?

Lastly, should the Auxilia Option compel Auxilia? Currently, they do not, but the regular Option and Demioption both compel their respective warriors. This might be deliberate, but I thought I'd ask.

Thank you! I really enjoy the new stuff you've thrown in so far.
Byzantii V
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Re: Muster Sheet Questions/Observations

Postby Byzantii V » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:42 pm

I can't figure out how to edit, so here is one more question: what is the new Byzantii realm hinted at in the Muster Rules? Infernii can ally with any Byzantii realm!

Edit: Found the edit button. Did you revise the Anglecynn Ceorls? I thought I previously recalled that Spear Ceorls were Mainstay, and you could pay extra to upgrade them with swords or axes, thereby making them common. Now it seems reversed, where the Spear Ceorl is still lesser in categories of skill, fortitude, and authority, but implied to be more rare on the field than their better armed and trained brethren. I have no complaint or issue with this, I'm just curious if it changed and why? My guess is to make spears a bit less prevalent in an Anglecynn host?

Second Edit: This is just fan-hype: CAN WE SEE THE WAELWULFA GREAT-CLAWS???
James Balmer
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Re: Muster Sheet Questions/Observations

Postby James Balmer » Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:05 am


First, yes that does indeed seem to be what The Host's Century is implying. Because of the limitation as one per Centurion/Demiurion however, I do not believe it really matters as they take precedence as General anyway.

Second, the free unit command is for the single required Mainstay, or two required Common units that fulfil the minimum requirements for a host. How those units become Mainstay or Common (Compel or Influence) do not matter from what I can see.

Third, Auxilia are already a Mainstay unit, regardless of the host commander so the rule would be pointless. The Option compels the Veteran Legionarius and the Demioption Compels the Demilegionarius, neither of which are Mainstay as standard.

Regarding the changes to the Ceorl, that is due to the changes to the muster rules. Mainstay units are now considered units the commander would always bring, as opposed to the most commonly found units. Using the Ceorl as an example, a commander would want to bring more experienced men, so the Drilled Ceorl will be favoured over the Trained Ceorl as they can be trusted to fight better and not break as easily.
Also, the spear was the most common weapon used by Anglo-Saxon armies, particularly those trained as warriors rather than levied free men.

Hopefully that has answered your questions satisfactorily, and don't hesitate to ask more, someone will always be willing to help answer you.

Byzantii V
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Re: Muster Sheet Questions/Observations

Postby Byzantii V » Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:05 am

Hi Valphaomegav, thanks for the response. Regarding the first point of the Demioption not ever being the general in that case, I agree with you and now think it is just a typo.

For the second bit, you’ve verified what I understood, so thanks for that. Again, I think it is just a typo to call them Compelled Mainstay. As you’ve pointed out, that would be redundant.

For my Auxiliary question, I did not realize they were already Mainstay but it makes sense now.

Lastly, I like your interpretation of the Ceorl situation. It makes sense to bring your better troops.
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Rob Lane
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Re: Muster Sheet Questions/Observations

Postby Rob Lane » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:14 pm

Byzantii V wrote:Hi Valphaomegav, thanks for the response. Regarding the first point of the Demioption not ever being the general in that case, I agree with you and now think it is just a typo.

It's just for completeness really, but I take your points.

Byzantii V wrote:For the second bit, you’ve verified what I understood, so thanks for that. Again, I think it is just a typo to call them Compelled Mainstay. As you’ve pointed out, that would be redundant.

It is indeed a typo, I'll change that.

It does indeed.


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