Simultaneous vs Separate Attack Actions: Multiple Combat Weapons

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Dan Pratt
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Simultaneous vs Separate Attack Actions: Multiple Combat Weapons

Postby Dan Pratt » Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:28 pm

If I understand the Attack Action rules. A monster with multiple combat weapons MAY choose to resolve the attacks from each of them simultaneously, as one big attack or individually as separate attack actions, right?

Example: Unit of 3x Guthwulfas

My opponent did claws+bite+trample > breakthrough
But he also had the choice to do: claws > breakthrough > bite > breakthrough > trample > breakthrough, correct?

I suppose the tradeoff would be large amounts of blood tokens vs the ability to gain a spatial advantage and make dice allocation decisions with each attack action as you gain ground (get closer to a noble, etc)...
Jonathon Chester
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Re: Simultaneous vs Separate Attack Actions: Multiple Combat Weapons

Postby Jonathon Chester » Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:32 pm

In your example you have a feral unit so it skews the rule slightly as they can swing with everything in multiple rounds of combat. The only way (I may be wrong on this I'm sure rob will tell me if so tomorrow!) you can do that is if you are say using a model that is 2" away from a unit and has 4 sets of attacks one at 2" the rest at less, you swing with the first set your enemy then attack moves into you and swings then you may attack with everything else.
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Rob Boyce
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Re: Simultaneous vs Separate Attack Actions: Multiple Combat Weapons

Postby Rob Boyce » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:21 pm

This is a good question and one that's made me have a dig around the rules as it's something I'd just gloss over normally.

As Jon has said Feral warriors are a bad example because they can always attack with everything even if they are weary, also as one model you can't really take advantage of this rule for two reasons. 1) if you make an attack action with one weapon you have to attack with all available weapons, and 2) if you attack against one warrior (I think in this case also multiple warriors of the same class and skill) with different weapons you must combine those attacks, so you cannot essentially hold attacks back by splitting them unless you for example but your impact hits on a unit and your other attacks on a character, in which case yes your remaining attacks would come after but the noble would still be alive. Also if you attack with any of your weapons you would become weary.

Where this could come into play is if you had a noble or similar in a unit and you charged a significantly weaker unit, you could split the attacks so that your noble (presumably higher skill) goes first, then if he wipes out the unit the remainder of your unit does not become weary.

Despite that I'm still not sure they could attack if they breakthrough as the breakthrough reaction specifies you make a charge attack in your next activation, someone will have to clarify that one!
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Rob Lane
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Re: Simultaneous vs Separate Attack Actions: Multiple Combat Weapons

Postby Rob Lane » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:22 pm

dpratt00 wrote:If I understand the Attack Action rules. A monster with multiple combat weapons MAY choose to resolve the attacks from each of them simultaneously, as one big attack or individually as separate attack actions, right?

Example: Unit of 3x Guthwulfas

My opponent did claws+bite+trample > breakthrough
But he also had the choice to do: claws > breakthrough > bite > breakthrough > trample > breakthrough, correct?

I suppose the tradeoff would be large amounts of blood tokens vs the ability to gain a spatial advantage and make dice allocation decisions with each attack action as you gain ground (get closer to a noble, etc)...

He wouldn't have the choice to do the latter, as an Attacker MUST use all of his combat weapons. "6·20·1·2·5: MULTIPLE COMBAT WEAPONS - Some warriors within an Attacking unit have multiple combat weapons. An Attacker must Attack with all of his combat weapons when performing a Attack action, although he may use each different combat weapon in separate Attack actions during the same activation."

Also: "6·20·3·1·2: SPLITTING ATTACKS - second paragraph; Warriors with multiple combat weapons, such as a many-limbed Monstrous Beast, may divide the Attacks from their combat weapons against differing class and Skill Attacked warriors as they wish, but if they use more than one combat weapon against the same Attacked warrior they must always combine the Attacks from those combat weapons so that they occur simultaneously."


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