Hold and Goad Charge question

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Hold and Goad Charge question

Postby Grizzle » Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:46 pm

Hey Rob,

I think we discussed this before and it's also something that I've searched to see if it has been discussed before but I couldn't find anything. But it came up in a recent game against Dayle and I wanted to double-check it with you.

This is concerning how Hold and Goad function as an engagement reaction, particularly the Charge! option.

Normally others and I have played it as unit A engages unit B, either direct or indirect, then unit B declares its reaction and elects to hold and goad choosing Charge! as the goad effect, unit B charges into the engaging unit A, then completes it's reaction as per the step of resolving the engagement reaction, then unit A would finish up their engagement.

The tricky part is that in between this does unit B also get to resolve their linked attack action from the Charge! goad action? And do they get to do this before Unit A attacks from their original engagement? It looks like it does from reading the 6.10 engagement action, the 6.57 goad action, and then the 7.10 engagement reactions section.

But im just reading them all a few times to see if I have missed something.
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Re: Hold and Goad Charge question

Postby Dayle12 » Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:52 pm

Wouldnt it be this

Unit A charges unit B,
Unit B declares the charge goad as their reaction,
Unit B passes its goad test and charges unit A,
Unit B now attacks unit A as its linked charge attack action,
Unit A now decides whether or not too attack back,
Determine combat results,
Depending on combat result,
Unit A now completes its own charge attack and attacks unit B with unit B being unable to attack back due to having already fought?
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Rob Lane
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Re: Hold and Goad Charge question

Postby Rob Lane » Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:09 pm

It should be

Unit A charges unit B
Unit B declares the charge goad as their reaction,
Unit B passes its goad test and charges unit A,

Unit A attacks Unit B

Unit B now attacks unit A as its linked charge attack action,
Determine combat results,

Whether the rules state this currently I'll have to check and amend if necessary.

Broadly speaking; the only type of unit that can counter-charge are those with the counter-charge ability or that are frenzied. The Goad reaction here does not count as a counter-charge and shouldn't be used as such.


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