Lines of sight

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Lines of sight

Postby staggerlee » Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:08 am

In the rules it says; "warriors with smaller bases than the target base do not block line of sight", and "warriors with bases larger than or equal in size to the sighting warrior block line of sight".
In our last game we had a warlock of baalor wanting to cast an invocation on mjagnir, and there was a unit of tarvax between them. Does the warlock have line of sight to mjagnir? Maybe it is my poor english that makes this hard to see clearly in the rules..
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Re: Lines of sight

Postby razormage » Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:26 pm

In this case, Mjagnir would be the "target base" (the thing being Invoked upon) at 120mm, and the Warlock's 30mm would be the sighting warrior.
While the Tarvax (60mm) do have a larger base than the Warlock's, blocking LoS using the second case, the first rule covers this situation. The 60mm Tarvax bases are smaller than Mjagnir's 120mm, and thus do not block line of sight to him. If you had someone else on a huge base, such as Shaaroc the Reviled (120mm) in the way, he would block line of sight to Mjagnir, as his base is the same size as Mjagnir's.
Basically, if either the sighting model or the target model is on a larger base than anything in the way, you can see over them. I can see how the rules are a bit ambiguous about it, though, as one says it does block line of sight, and the other says it doesn't.
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Murderous Monkey
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Re: Lines of sight

Postby Murderous Monkey » Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:58 pm


Out of interest, how do you decide that the first rules covers this case rather than the second? As phrased both rules struck me as equally applicable so I thought you either ended up in a logical loop of death (gulp!) or applied both (which would presumably mean you line of sight is blocked)?

Not saying you're wrong but interested as to what made you read the rules as saying the first rule was dominant? Is it because it is in the second bullet point and the rule which would cause the Tarvax to block line of sight is the 5th bullet point?


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Re: Lines of sight

Postby razormage » Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:27 pm

I cheated, and had asked Mierce via an e-mail a few months back, because I had it come up in a game.

To clarify on sight line: do warriors with smaller bases than the target warrior block line of sight? (For example, an infantry model on foot, looking above an infantry model on foot to see Mjagnir?)
Warriors with smaller bases than the target warrior do not block line of sight - that's a good one, I need to clarify that. I've added another bullet - "Warriors with smaller bases than the target warrior's base do not block the sight line".

However, I'm not sure if the addition of a larger base in the middle would block or not, though both are covered by the same rule in Case 5. I can see how it would be ambiguous.
Case 5 specifically states that "Warriors with bases larger than or equal in size to the sighting warrior block the sight line." I believe the fact that it's a numbered list means you go in order until you find the first one that covers the case in question. In this case, the second case ("Warriors with smaller bases than the target warrior's base do not block the sight line") would be the first one reached, and we wouldn't get to the fifth case... although that would seem to trump the restriction for the Blind Arc that's given in the third case (because you can't see something tall even if it's behind you). Hmm... I'm going to chalk this one down as "rules still in progress?"
--Ryan Smith
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Re: Lines of sight

Postby Murderous Monkey » Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:01 pm

Cheating is often the best way!

I think it might be best to tweak the wording slightly (one could, for example, include a reference to the relative base size of the target model and the intervening model in LOS rule 5) - if nothing else I'm not sure it always makes sense to read down the list as you could have several rules be relevant at re same time (e.g. an intervening model and a wood). As you say, this is the sort of thing that crops up in trial rules!

The thread caught my eye as I'd put a comment in my huge post last night on the interaction between the two LOS rules so I was keen to see how you'd solved it!

Thanks for the helpful response - I very much appreciate it.
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Re: Lines of sight

Postby Rob Lane » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:34 pm

Yea I've altered this - it's a blimmin' good point.

This is how it reads now:

"5: Warriors - now called blocking warriors - with bases larger than or equal in size to the sighting warrior block the sight line, as long as the Target warrior's base is smaller than or equal in size to the blocking warriors"

That should do it...


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