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What to add?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 1:58 pm
by loftybloke
Hi all :)

I have Fomoraic (Baalor) battle host & Fomoraic (cursed herd) battle host plus Kraan mounted/unmounted.

I'm yet to play at all, but even just collectiing the miniatures, i'd like to have a force that works on the tabletop.

TLDR; What would you add to make a decent list?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: What to add?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 7:22 pm
by Brightblade
Hey Lofty,

The Cursed Herd is a great introduction to Fomoraic, they are relatively quick, hard hitting and have staying power, the Baalor infantry is very skilled, quite fragile, but get them into a fight with 30mm or 40mm opponents and they will do well and hold there own, anything bigger and they become cannon fodder.

Kraan mounted on the Bear, I assume it's the bear you have, is brilliant, the bear is quick, and Kraan has all kinds of crazy strong special skills.

To enhance your force I would look at getting some 50mm, 60mm Monstrous Infantry, the Rhino's Sronax, are very hard hitting and very resiliant, it takes a lot to kill them, combine them with a couple of 80mm Sronox, the bigger Rhinos, and they are excellent, Quaano, the Warchief for the Sronax is a must also.

If you want to stay with the Cursed Herd theme then get some Tarvax, the 50mm Monstrous Infantry, like the 30mm Gabrax, and the 40mm Gul Gabrax, they are relatively quick and hard hitting with good staying power, they are a little short on Skill though. Combione that with a 100mm Tarvocx and some 60mm Toracx and you have speed and heavy hitters, but they can be a little hard to control on the battle field as they are Frenzied so will chase down the first visible opponent, so positioning with them is key.

I hope some of that has helped.

Good Luck

Re: What to add?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:17 am
by loftybloke
Hi mate

Thanks for the reply. The Baalor set has some of those larger Sronox chaps, so it seems like im in a fairly good place with Fomoraic. Good to know definitely, as I'm not great at rule sets and army crafting.

Yes it's the version with the bear, quite simply because it's awesome! (and also part of a deal on nobles i think!)

Appreciate your tips here, I'm just sorting through my remaining baggies of evil marauder types and getting two big units of the Baalor infantry ready to scrub up and assemble whilst I finish my current painting project.

Thanks again