Which Unit should be the £130,000 stretch goal?

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Which Unit should be the £130,000 stretch goal?

Angelcynn - Geoguth Unit
Brythoniaid - Dynwocor Unit
Byzantii - Auxilia Bestiarii Unit
Fomoraic - Mallax Unit
Khthones - Hydrar Unit
Norse - Troll Units
Vras - Spear-Vras Unit
Ysians - Shadow-Drune Unit
Total votes: 70
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Rob Lane
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Which Unit should be the £130,000 stretch goal?

Postby Rob Lane » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:36 am

As we're nothing if not concerned with what backers want (and definitely not because we're stumped as to what to put up next, oh no), we've decided to let you guys decide on what the next Unit stretch goal should be on our Darklands: First Edition II Kickstarter project.

All you have to do is vote!


So vote quickly!

ANGELCYNN - Youths of Mierce, Geoguth Unit


Geoguth are, literally, "young warriors" and are professional - if rather headstrong and inexperienced - warriors in Angelcynn hosts. Armed with spear, shield and leather armour, Geoguth are Common, Drilled infantry and stand on 30mm bases, being 30mm tall to the eye.

You can purchase the unit in three forms - 5x Warriors with full command; 10x Warriors with full command; 5x Warriors.

BRYTHONIAID - Dynwocoriau of Powys, Dynwocor Unit


The second monstrous infantry unit for the Brythoniaid, Dynwocor are half-man, half-wocor; bizarre, savage creatures with a penchant for shrieking very loudly. Dynwocor wield double-handed blades and are Uncommon, Wild monstrous infantry, standing on 50mm bases and being around 45-50mm tall to the eye.

You can purchase the unit as 5x Warriors with full command.

BYZANTII - Tri IV Acteon, Auxilia Bestiarii Tribum


A unit of Auxilia Bestiarii, the better to control your Byzantii beasts such as Ulmons or Tykho (in a similar way to the Goad-Drunes of the Ysians). These guys - Uncommon, Drilled infantry - stand on 30mm bases and will be around 30mm tall to the eye.

FOMORAIC - Grunting Mallax, Mallax Unit


More hairies for the Fomoraic! Mallax are sloth-men, lumbering perhaps but ideally suited for defensive battles with their long glaives, heavy armour and big shields. Mallax are Uncommon, Wild monstrous infantry and stand on 60mm bases, being around 50mm tall to the eye.

You can purchase the unit as 5x Warriors with champion, banner bearer and three warriors.

KHTHONES - Warriors of Ýdron, Hydrar Unit


The Hydrar form a particularly savage and brutal arm of the Khthones once-slave hosts, with three heads and sinewy snake-like bodies able to dish out a lot of attacks. Armed with half-plate armour and wielding two khineblades, the Hydrar are a particularly nasty foe to face! Hydrar are Uncommon, Feral monstrous infantry and stand on 60mm bases, being around 50mm tall to the eye.

With one warrior sculpted already - Hirakoth, the champion - you can either purchase all of the Hydrar or the remaining four warriors!

You can purchase the unit as 5x Warriors with full command.

NORSE - Trolls of the North, Troll Unit

You actually get two units for the price of one, here... with three new Trolls and two amendments to Vörtun, you can get a unit of Trolls with double-handers and a unit of Trolls with two hand weapons!



There would, of course, be an option to purchase the three new Trolls and Vörtun amendments separately to the full units.

You can purchase either unit as 5x Warriors with champion, banner bearer and three warriors.

VRAS - No-Claw's Burrow, Spear-Vras Unit


No-Claw's Burrow is our first infantry unit for the Vras, rodenty allies of the Ysians. Spear-Vras are armed with blade-spears, light armour and shields, as well as an annoying ratty nature. They are Common, Trained infantry, standing on 30mm bases and being around 30mm to the eye.

You can purchase the unit as 5x Warriors with champion and four warriors or 10x Warriors with champion and nine warriors.

Quick-Blade, of course, has already been sculpted, and you'll have the option to purchase the four new Spear-Vras separately too. Note that Benoît Cosse will no doubt sculpt the rest of the unit.

YSIANS - Shadows of Carn Bran, Shadow-Drune Unit


They've been around for a while so it's only fair to give you the option to get these guys! Shadows of Carn Bran are Shadow-Drunes, scout infantry that like to have a good sneak around the battlefield. Armed with two daggers, not much armour and a good deal of skill, the Ysians will definitely have an advantage when they field these guys. Shadow-Drunes are Uncommon, Drilled infantry, standing on 30mm bases and being around 30mm to the eye.

You can purchase the unit as 5x Warriors with champion and four warriors or 10x Warriors with champion and nine warriors.

Those are your options... choose wisely!

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